Keeping the Railroad Industry on Track Since 1976.
We come from a heritage of quality, service and expertise. Our AAR-approved Air Brake Shop is one of the largest privately owned shops in the country, where we take pride in our quality and ability to provide the services and materials our customers need, when they need them.
Who we are
We are your quality railroad air brake supplier when you need to repair, restore, or purchase air brake components for locomotives, freight cars, and passenger cars.
Railroad Car Parts, Sourcing, and Exchange
Multi-Service Supply is your trusted supplier of quality new, used, and reconditioned car parts and components. We are able to source and supply quality parts and materials for our customers.
Featured Products
Comprehensive Parts Catalog
Our extensive inventory allows us to offer valves, hoses and component parts to our customers on an outright sale, unit exchange or repair-and-return basis — quickly and easily.
Unit Exchange Program
When waiting for repairs is not an option, this unique program lets a buyer purchase air brake valves by exchanging their used valves.
Latest News
Automated Single Car Test Device
The AAR will be requiring the use of automated single car test devices on July 1, 2024. The current price for the complete package is $23,000.00. Annual calibrations are $650.00….
C-13973: AAR Revision Notification
The Association of American Railroads (AAR) has recently issued a notice of revisions to address required gauges and publications other than on repair tracks. The target implementation date is July…
C-13810 Brake Cylinder Reconditioning Requirements
As of May 13, 2021, the AAR has issued the following update to Rules 88 and 108 of the Field Manual: Any freight car requiring permanent general repairs in excess of the…

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